Tłumaczenia z różnych dziedzin gospodarki i prawa

Konkurencyjne stawki

Ustalane indywidualnie dla danego zlecenia


dokumentacji firmowej, umowy kupna – sprzedaży, najmu czy dzierżawy

About me

Dear Client

I have been working as a freelance sworn translator since 2012. Previously I was working at a Translations’ Agency in Warsaw for three years. During that time I had many opportunities to gain vast experience in translating different documents. I translated legal and general documents, as well as I dealt with specialist translations. My areas of expertise include medical and technical documents, comprising mainly operating manuals.

Translation is not only my business, it’s my passion. Therefore I perform my tasks with great amusement and enjoyment. I am constantly learning, to improve my translation competence and tools. I believe that reliability and responsibility constitute the core of a satisfactory and long-term cooperation between business partners.

I am willing to cooperate with both corporate and individual Clients, as well as Translations Agencies, not only operating in my home town, but also those seated in Warsaw or in any other town in Poland.
Do not hesitate to use the services I render.

Feel free to use the services I render.


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